Example problems

The table below is a list of the example problems with a short discription.

Title Circuit Description
Two amplifier RIAA Phono Preamp A circuit for a phono preamp is analyzed.
Two port parameters Two port parameters are derived from the circuit’s netlist.
Thevenin equivalent circuit The Thevenin equivalent circuit is obtained from a netlist.
State variable filter Network equations for a state variable filter are obtained from the netlist which are solved in symbolic form.
Superposition A circuit to illustrate superposition and polyphase circuit analysis.
2nd order BRF Walk through of the NMA code
Elliptic Function LPF A circuit too complex for quick symbolic solution
Initial conditions Voltage on the capacitor and current in the inductor at t=0
Transient circuit Examining the transient response of a circuit
Bridge T Initial conditions and transient solution
Pi Filter Transfer function using the FACTS method
SIDO filter Deriving the symbolic transfer function of a filter
Super node Analysis of a circuit with a super node
Phasor analysis Analysis of a circuit with phasor elements
Modeling Op Amps Analysis of Op Amp model and stamp
Op Amp circuits Typical Op Amp circuits and the use of the Op Amp element type
Mechanical systems Electric circuit analogs for a translational and a rotational mechanical system